
目前显示的是 十月, 2024的博文

National Day and Old Fox 国庆与老狐狸

老狐狸口中的好人 在乎别人感受的人 是失败的人 干我屁事就是干我 屁事 Good people in the mouths of old fox People who care about other people's feelings They're losers What's it to me is what's it to me 1990年 台湾股市在两年半内从2000点冲到12000点 随后又在八个月内跌回2000点 1990 Taiwan's stock market surged from  2000 to 12000 in two and a half years Then it fell back to 2000 in eight months    国庆前后大A行情真是很应景 The SSE market around the National Day is really out of date. 假期看完小孩视角的老狐狸 更让我想起小时候碎片 弥足珍贵的是日常 不是节日 After watching the old fox from a child's point of view on vacation Reminds me more of my childhood debris It's the daily life that's precious. Not holidays