
目前显示的是标签为“Charlie Munger”的博文

Charles Thomas Munger 股神巴菲特搭档查理·芒格去世

伯克希尔在奥马哈 的股东大会 有本关于芒格的著作《穷查理宝典》很有名 Berkshire's shareholders meeting in Omaha. There's a famous book about Munger called "Poor Charlie's Book 个人对他们深刻的印象有两点 1.巴菲特芒格认为比特币是没有任何价值的投机,我知道这话的时候是在大学。 2.他们说不投不懂的科技行业,2016年买入苹果,现在是占比最大重仓股,而苹果已是四万亿市值。 查理芒格经典语录 1.我这辈子遇到的聪明人,没有不每天阅读的,没有,一个都没有 2.不要同一头猪摔跤,因为这样你会把全身弄脏,而对方却乐此不疲 3.最重要的不是你摸到什么牌,而是你能不能把手里的牌打好 4. 长期来看,能够延迟满足的人会活得更好 5. 找到比自己优秀的伴侣,这是多少钱都买不来的 6. (长寿、幸福的秘诀是什么?)不嫉妒、不抱怨、不过度消费。面对什么困难,都保持乐观的心态。交靠谱的人。做本分的事。都是些简单的道理,也都是些老掉牙的道理。做到了,一生受益。 Personally, I was impressed by them in two ways 1. Buffett Munger believes that bitcoin is speculation without any value, I knew this when I was in college, and looked up that bitcoin was about a few thousand dollars a piece at that time, and now it is about three hundred thousand dollars a piece. 2. they said they don't invest in the tech sector that they don't understand. they bought Apple in 2016, and now it is the largest long position as a percentage, and Apple is already a quadrillion do