

Stonewalling 石门

石门 1.代表故事地点湖南石门县 2.中医上的石门穴位跟女性生殖有关 3.故事的背景是发生新冠疫情期间,风格偏纪录片  主角身份 林森 小雨 银芳 名字的改变是身份的转变,是你是我是女性群体 1. Representative story location Shimen County, Hunan 2. The Shimen acupoint in traditional Chinese medicine is related to female reproduction. 3. The background of the story is during the COVID-19 epidemic, and the style is more documentary-like. Protagonist identity Lin Sen light rain Yinfang The change of name is a change of identity, you are me and I am a female group PS:1.Chinese gynecologist Gao Yaojie dies in New York, USA                   2.Hong Kong actress Zhou Haimei dies after illness in Shunyi, Beijing