

Paris 2024 2024巴黎奥运会

 金牌可以衡量一个国家的实力吗 Can gold medals measure a country's standard 1.那些非职业运动员能拿奖真是非常牛逼,比如26岁的分析师 贾斯汀·贝斯特 1. it's pretty awesome that those non-professional athletes can win awards, like 26-year-old analyst Justin Best 2.令我印象深刻是卢森堡选手倪夏莲,尤其是自信的笑容,是我们父辈身上没有的,与日本小山智丽曾经都是国家队员 2. I was impressed by the Luxembourg player Ni xialian, especially the confident smile, which is not found in our fathers and mothers, and Japan's  Koyama Chire  used to be a national player. 3. 她们让我想到刚去世的李政道,如果他和杨振宁都没去美国留学,或者去了又像邓稼先一样回来了,显然他们不会获得诺贝尔物理学奖 3. they remind me of  Tsung Dao Lee  who just passed away, if he and  Yang Chen Ning  didn't go to the US to study, or went and came back like Deng Jiaxian, obviously they wouldn't have won the Nobel Prize in Physics