
Blue Eye Samurai 碧眼武士

          这个场景明显是有bug,按照生活经验冬天这 种天气马车上的粪便是没有嗡嗡飞来飞去的苍蝇的。   1.阿水为什么是女扮男装的武士?  2.剧情的推动源自于阿水要复仇,为母亲报仇,事实上母亲并没有死。  3.阿水复仇路上有两个帮手,一个是儿时欺负的伙伴,另一个厨子的徒弟  4.阿水被依次被母亲 丈夫背叛才能成为武士  5.从小讲是大尺度复仇故事,从大的讲是落后幕府与枪炮洋人的冲突,也就是日本封建文化和西方工业文化的冲突,这也就是阿水为什么蓝眼混血。 This scene is obviously buggy. According to life experience, there are no flies buzzing around the feces on the carriage in winter weather.  1. Why is Shui a samurai dressed as a man?  2. The plot is driven by Shui's desire to avenge the death of his mother, who is not in fact dead.  3. Shui has two helpers on his way to revenge, one is a childhood bullying partner and the other is a cook's apprentice  4. Shui was betrayed by his mother and husband in order to become a samurai.  5. From a small point of view is a large-scale revenge story, from a large point of view is the backward shogunate and guns and foreigners conflict, that is, Japan's feudal culture and the Western industrial...

Pastime Review 2023 2023年度消遣回顾

                                       电影剧 黑暗荣耀 怒呛人生 漫长的季节 人选之人造浪者 关于我和鬼变成家人的那件事 石门 奥本海默 花月杀手 坠落的审判 风中有朵雨做的云                                          书籍 一百年 许多人 许多事 详谈左晖 乡土中国 创新者 从文自传 静思录 经济发展理论 筚路维艰 马斯克传 鼠疫                                           音乐 还是觉得你最好 关键词 岁月神偷 Fairy Tale Dancing With Your Ghost Blown in the Wind 再度重相逢 小城大事 追梦人 夕阳醉了  

Stonewalling 石门

石门 1.代表故事地点湖南石门县 2.中医上的石门穴位跟女性生殖有关 3.故事的背景是发生新冠疫情期间,风格偏纪录片  主角身份 林森 小雨 银芳 名字的改变是身份的转变,是你是我是女性群体 1. Representative story location Shimen County, Hunan 2. The Shimen acupoint in traditional Chinese medicine is related to female reproduction. 3. The background of the story is during the COVID-19 epidemic, and the style is more documentary-like. Protagonist identity Lin Sen light rain Yinfang The change of name is a change of identity, you are me and I am a female group PS:1.Chinese gynecologist Gao Yaojie dies in New York, USA                   2.Hong Kong actress Zhou Haimei dies after illness in Shunyi, Beijing

Henry Alfred Kissinger 美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格博士去世

         中国人民的的老朋友与五代领导人的友谊 An old friend of the Chinese people and the friendship of five generations of leaders 1975.12  Beijing         1979.12  Washington           1995.10  NY         2009.1  Beijing                                                                          2018.11  Beijing 1.第一印象就是初中历史课本里为尼克松访华中美建交访华 2.第一次访华是1971.7最后一次是2023.7与尼克松 福特共事 3.1973年因巴黎和平协约和黎德寿获诺贝尔和平奖  4.个人代表著作:基辛格回忆录  大外交  世界秩序  论中国 1. the first impression is the junior high school history textbook for Nixon's visit to China for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States visit to China 2. The first visit to China was in 1971.7 and the last was in 2023.7 with...

Charles Thomas Munger 股神巴菲特搭档查理·芒格去世

伯克希尔在奥马哈 的股东大会 有本关于芒格的著作《穷查理宝典》很有名 Berkshire's shareholders meeting in Omaha. There's a famous book about Munger called "Poor Charlie's Book 个人对他们深刻的印象有两点 1.巴菲特芒格认为比特币是没有任何价值的投机,我知道这话的时候是在大学。 2.他们说不投不懂的科技行业,2016年买入苹果,现在是占比最大重仓股,而苹果已是四万亿市值。 查理芒格经典语录 1.我这辈子遇到的聪明人,没有不每天阅读的,没有,一个都没有 2.不要同一头猪摔跤,因为这样你会把全身弄脏,而对方却乐此不疲 3.最重要的不是你摸到什么牌,而是你能不能把手里的牌打好 4. 长期来看,能够延迟满足的人会活得更好 5. 找到比自己优秀的伴侣,这是多少钱都买不来的 6. (长寿、幸福的秘诀是什么?)不嫉妒、不抱怨、不过度消费。面对什么困难,都保持乐观的心态。交靠谱的人。做本分的事。都是些简单的道理,也都是些老掉牙的道理。做到了,一生受益。 Personally, I was impressed by them in two ways 1. Buffett Munger believes that bitcoin is speculation without any value, I knew this when I was in college, and looked up that bitcoin was about a few thousand dollars a piece at that time, and now it is about three hundred thousand dollars a piece. 2. they said they don't invest in the tech sector that they don't understand. they bought Apple in 2016, and now it is the largest long position as a percentage, and Apple is already a quadrillion do...