
How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies 姥姥的外孙

                         看完第一反应就是是枝裕和风格 The first thing that came to mind was the Yuwa Ebisu style. 姥姥存的钱最后还是给自己买了房子 Grandma's savings ended up buying herself a house. 血缘背后是亲情,亲情背后是家庭,家庭背后是文化 Behind blood is kinship, behind kinship is family, behind family is culture 这是导演仅此能做的 That's all the director could do.  

Paris 2024 2024巴黎奥运会

 金牌可以衡量一个国家的实力吗 Can gold medals measure a country's standard 1.那些非职业运动员能拿奖真是非常牛逼,比如26岁的分析师 贾斯汀·贝斯特 1. it's pretty awesome that those non-professional athletes can win awards, like 26-year-old analyst Justin Best 2.令我印象深刻是卢森堡选手倪夏莲,尤其是自信的笑容,是我们父辈身上没有的,与日本小山智丽曾经都是国家队员 2. I was impressed by the Luxembourg player Ni xialian, especially the confident smile, which is not found in our fathers and mothers, and Japan's  Koyama Chire  used to be a national player. 3. 她们让我想到刚去世的李政道,如果他和杨振宁都没去美国留学,或者去了又像邓稼先一样回来了,显然他们不会获得诺贝尔物理学奖 3. they remind me of  Tsung Dao Lee  who just passed away, if he and  Yang Chen Ning  didn't go to the US to study, or went and came back like Deng Jiaxian, obviously they wouldn't have won the Nobel Prize in Physics                            

Come Drink with Me 大醉侠

胡金铨导演 King Hu 郑佩佩主演 Cheng Pei-Pei                                       邵逸夫监制 Run Run Shaw

Boat People 投奔怒海

  华仔电影处女作    Andy Lau's first movie 黄昏下谈往事,这画面拍的真棒 Great shot of the past in the dusk 一个导演要拍出好的作品需要什么? What does a director need to make a good movie?

Long Arm of the Law 省港旗兵

这个系列有四部,第一部是麦当雄导演,后三部是其弟麦当杰导演。 第一部林威主演,第三部刘德华,后三部徐锦江都有参演。最不好看一部就是第三部,第四部就是讲那个年代的事件,拍的最好就是第一部。 香港电影讲警匪题材除了麦当雄,代表导演还有林岭东,杜琪峰 ,刘伟强等。 前两部电影悍匪原型是过江龙吴建东,湖南虎陈虎矩。 吴建东策划1984年震惊香港的宝生银行解款车械劫案,被抓后监狱中肝癌去世。 陈虎矩1985年打劫忠信表行被抓后判13年。 他俩算是香港三大贼王的前辈,分别是贼中王叶继欢,大富豪张子强,高佬雄季炳雄。 叶继欢1993年手持ak-47在旺角横扫金铺逃回大陆,1996年在香港西环偷渡跟警察交火中弹被捕。 张子强1991年抢劫运钞车1.7亿港币,被判18年,请律师上诉当庭释放。后绑架李嘉诚儿子索要赎金10.38亿港币成功,被称为世纪贼王。又绑架过郭炳湘,1998年前往内地被广东公安抓了被判死刑枪决。 季炳雄1998年抢劫两次珠宝行,2003年在油麻地被香港特警抓捕归案。 电影树大招风讲的就是三大贼王的故事,片中虚构一个三人同框的时刻。 香港媒体称大圈帮为省港旗兵。省港就广东省和香港,旗兵就是红卫兵,大圈仔就是广州仔。后来泛指从大陆来香港的犯罪份子。 There are four installments in this series, the first one was directed by Mak Dang-hung, and the last three were directed by his brother, Mak Dang-kit. The first Lin Wei starring, the third Andy Lau, the last three Xu Jinjiang have acted. The most unattractive one is the third, the fourth is about the events of that era, the best shot is the first. Hong Kong movies about police and banditry themes in addition to Mak Dang Xiong, representative director Lin Lingdong,